Home Cleaning Products That Can be Dangerous For Your Kids

Cleaning your home is essential to protect the health of your family. The problem is that many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals. You may think you’re protecting your children with your meticulous cleaning habits when you could be exposing them to chemicals that pose health risks. There are various ways in which you can limit your children’s exposure to cleaning products that can damage their health. 

How Can Cleaning Supplies Affect Health?

Many home cleaning products can cause headaches, irritate the eyes and throat, and cause other health problems. Irritants and allergens in household cleaners include Volatile Organic compounds (VOCs) that vaporise at room temperature. These can contribute to allergic reactions, headaches and respiratory problems. Some of the products that contain VOCs and other toxic chemicals include:

· Air fresheners

· Dishwashing liquid

· Chlorine bleach

· Oven cleaners

· Rug and upholstery cleaners

· Floor and furniture polish

· Drain cleaners

In research at Mersin University, researchers found that people cleaned more frequently and used more cleaning products during the pandemic period. This increased the frequency of problems related to the use of cleaning products by 46.9%. The most commonly reported problems were shortness of breath and skin disturbances.  


Purchasing Cleaning Products

When purchasing cleaning products, you need to read the labels carefully. Check whether products contain VOCs, irritants, fragrances, and flammable ingredients. Try to purchase those that contain the least amount of these ingredients. 

You also need to remember that products claiming to be ‘green’ may be better for the environment but aren’t necessarily good for human health.

A George Washington University report about reducing chemical exposure at home states that the safety testing of commercial chemicals before going to market is limited. You can’t just assume that products have been thoroughly tested. You need to find out more about products and not believe any untested, uncertified claims. 


Home Cleaning Products for Babies

Why is it so important to use safe cleaning products for babies? They are more vulnerable and at higher risk from harmful cleaning products. 

Sensitive skin: 

Babies have very sensitive skin, and the irritants in household cleaners can cause their skin to become irritated.

The link between asthma and harmful cleaning products:

Babies’ airways still have to develop, and fumes, particularly powerful bleach fumes, are harmful to them. They have a higher respiratory rate, so they breathe in more fumes. Mixing bleach and any cleaner containing ammonia create gasses that can lead to breathing problems. 

There are studies that show the use of certain household cleaning products in the first few months of a baby’s life increases the risks of wheezing and asthma as young children. Problematic household cleaning products and babies don’t go together. Avoiding them may help to prevent the development of asthma. 

More contact with surfaces: 

Babies are particularly at risk because they have more contact with surfaces. 

Choose safe cleaning products for babies: 

The more scented a product, the worse it tends to be for the lungs of a baby. It is vital to choose cleaning products safe for babies. Baby-safe floor cleaning products make sense because they often spend a great deal of time crawling along the floor. 

Kids’ bathrooms: 

A kid’s bathroom is another area of the home that must be scrupulously clean. It’s vital to use a kid-safe bathroom cleaner. 


How To Use Cleaning Products Safely

You can safely use hot water, soap, baking soda and vinegar as a substitute for all-purpose cleaners. If you choose to use commercial cleaners, find ones that contain as few harmful ingredients as possible and follow the manufacturers’ instructions for using them. 


· It is best to spray them into a cloth first and then apply them. 

· Make sure the area you’re cleaning has enough ventilation by opening all the windows. 

· Thoroughly rinse off the area you clean. 

· In many cases, vinegar or bicarbonate soda and elbow grease work just as well as expensive household cleaners.

· Check the veracity of certification marks and seals on a product. 


Professional Home Cleaners

If you choose to use a professional home cleaning service, make sure to ask about which household cleaners they use. It is no use having deep cleaning services come into your home and find that they use harmful cleaning products. Many home cleaning experts today use powerful equipment and safe cleaning products. 

The cleaning experts who know the ins and outs of cleaning products will provide you with the necessary information on the products they use and how they will ensure maximum safety for you and your family. Therefore, you should always hire a trusted home deep cleaning service.

Perth Home Cleaners offers professional cleaning services to you and your family. Contact us with any questions or queries or to receive a free quote.