
Professional House Cleaners Near You in Perth WA

High quality & independent specialist professional cleaners based in Perth
dedicated to providing exceptional local house and office cleaning
while delivering friendly and qualified service to every customer!

End of Lease Cleaning House Cleaning in Perth

End of Lease Cleaning

If your lease is up and you need a vacate clean of your house, our bond & end of lease cleaning services are perfect for you.

We make sure the house will be squeaky clean, including professional steam cleaning if required, before you return the keys to the real estate company.

Also, if you are a home owner and you need a comprehensive cleaning for the sale of your house or even if you are moving, we will help you make your property look spotless.

Regular House Cleaning Service

We offer a thorough domestic cleaning and our friendly staff use a check list to make sure that our clients' homes are left spotless.

A busy life can leave you with little or no time to carry out a proper clean of your residence which is where we can come to the rescue. Save yourself the time and hassle with our professional property cleaning services.

Regular House Cleaning Service in Perth
Spring Cleaning in Perth

Spring Cleaning

There comes a time in almost every homeowner's life when he or she considers the prospect of getting a thorough spring cleaning done.

There are few, if any, homeowners who handle this rigorous task on their own! For most of us, however, the prospect of cleaning ovens, windows, vacuuming carpets, and cleaning out the garage (and this is just the start) is not something that brings a smile to our faces. Yes, we have professional teams available that will support you with this task and make your home look squeaky again.

Builder's Cleaning

Builder's Cleaner is very important, especially after the mess of a brand new home build or even after renovation work has been done.

Whatever the case, it would be quite difficult for the occupants of the house to enjoy staying there if it is entirely covered in plaster and dust. Don't worry, we have qualified and expert teams available that will be on hand to take care of this for you, and make your property ready for moving in.

New House Cleaning For Builders
Office Cleaning

Commercial Office Cleaning

You and your colleagues spend a lot of time in the office. Maybe you take client meetings there. No one wants to do business in a dirty office space. But vacuuming floors, sweeping up the entry and cleaning the kitchen area is a hassle. Doing it takes away from your productivity. This is a job best left to professional property cleaners with the right equipment.

We can come and clean your office on request or we can provide a scheduled cleaning service either on regular or casual basis to make sure that your work area maintains a professional aspect.

Window Cleaning

Regular Window Cleaning preserves your windows, window frames and glass doors and gives you peace of mind.

Are you sick and tired of looking through your windows and seeing all the fingerprints, stains, flecks of paint, build up of grease and anything else impeding your view? Give us a call and you'll forget there's even glass in there.

We offer professional steam cleaning service with the appropriated equipment that can clean any carpet.

Carpet Cleaning

Upholstery stains can be difficult to shift and the material itself can be easily worn by over scrubbing.

Upholstery Cleaning

We can provide emergency house cleaning right across Perth. Our cleaning service offers last minute bookings!

Emergency Cleaning

We provide experienced grout and tile cleaning services in Perth to ensure a healthy and safe home.

Tile & Grout Cleaning

We offer high pressure cleaning for Perth homes that is highly effective in breaking through stubborn dirt and stains.

High Pressure Cleaning

We provide window cleaning services to homes and offices in Perth WA that need a professional looking job done!

Window Cleaning


  • The Perth Home Cleaners are the only company who answers your calls directly, can arrange a variety of services within a short time frame and does all of this with excellent customer service. I found the girls who came to do a full clean in my home to be lovely and trustworthy and most importantly did a fantastic job. Thank you to the guys and girls at Perth Home Cleaners for helping me out so quickly and efficiently.

    Jane Oates, Success
  • Perth Home Cleaners were able to accommodate my request to clean my vacated apartment with less than one hours notice. The staff were very professional and friendly and happily followed my instructions on what to clean. I highly recommend them.

    Tiffany Lee, Wembley Downs
  • I wanted to say a big thank you to yourself and your team of girls that cleaned our house after our renovation. Dealing with yourself and your company was easy and professional from the beginning to the end. I was able to speak to you and organise to have the cleaners at our home the next morning (less than 24 hours later). The girls did a wonderful job and left our home as it was before our renovation (dust free). Dealing with you and your company saved us a lot of stress, I had contacted a few companies prior to coming across yours and either didn’t receive a call back as promised or they were unable to help for a few days instead of the next day as we needed. Thanks again, your service made our renovation easy.

    Kath Robinson, Success



Let us know if we can help!!!

We are available

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to pay a deposit?

Only if you choose to pay by credit card. We would take a $50 deposit before the cleaning.

Do you guarantee your house cleaning quality?

Yes! We work with high quality cleaning products and high standard cleaners.

How much should I clean before you come?

We will do all the home cleaning, but it is easier to clean in a tidy space.

Do you provide the house cleaning equipment and detergent?

Yes! Our house cleaners come fully equipped with everything they need. If you would prefer that we use a particular brand, however, just let us know and our cleaners will use the equipment or chemical that you provide.

How much does a house clean usually cost?

Cost depends on the size and state of the house. We can make a time estimation according to the size of your property.

Do you clean by the hour or by the project?

We are a time-based home cleaning service, meaning we charge per hour of cleaning.

Do you have a regular house cleaning service?

Yes. We do every type of house cleaning and adapt to your needs.

How do I hire your home cleaning company?

You can contact us by email or give us call. We are here to help!

Do I need to be home while you clean?

No. Simply leave the keys in an accessible place and let us know about it.

I have to be at work on the home cleaning day. Can you still clean the house?

Yes! Simply let us know to discuss giving the house cleaners access to areas of the property that you would like cleaned.

How long does it take to clean a house on a regular clean?

All depends on the size and state of the house. We make a time estimation based on our experience.

How many cleaners will come to my house?

We always send a team of two cleaners, but depending the type of job we can send more if needed.

Do you offer a regular office cleaning service?

Yes, we do. We can book as many days per week as is needed.

Do you clean upholstery?

Yes, we offer professional steam cleaning services.

Are you insured?

Yes, we are insured.

Do you work on weekends?

Yes, we have cleaners available 7 days of the week!

How long in advance do I need to book your home cleaning services?

A couple of days in advance would be ideal, but we are always happy to send a team as soon as we can to help you.

Do you clean the interior and exterior of windows?

Yes, we do clean all interior and exterior windows.

Can you clean second storey windows?

We have a two-step stepladder. If you require a taller ladder to reach a window, let us know.

Can you handle large properties?

Yes, we do cleaning in every type of property.

I have a party tonight and something just spilled. Do you offer emergency cleaning?

Yes, we do offer emergency cleaning services and try our best to be available.

What happens if I'm not happy with the house cleaning service?

If you are not happy with our services, we can review the situation and go back to the house and re-do the items for you.

About Perth Home Cleaners

At Perth Home Cleaners, we know choosing a home cleaning company is as important as the visitors you allow in your home. So, we want you to know we aren’t the only ones who believe in our services.

We have a 4.8 star rating on Google with more than 150 reviews.

Perth Home Cleaners has many testimonials from satisfied customers and in the process of serving them have gained years of valuable industry experience.

On this site you will find practical advice about how to interview cleaning companies, what to ask, and how to prepare because we are confident we can live up to this advice when we serve you.

Perth Home Cleaners commit to quality. In fact, we have one of the highest quality ratings among all cleaning companies in Perth. This quality rating is important to us.

We provide honest quotes and confirm our appointments. Our motto is, “We are responsive to your requests!” We demonstrate our motto through constant communication, seven-day availability, and always keeping our appointments.

As Perth Home Cleaners provide services seven days a week, it’s easier for you to book your preferred time.

Our cleaning professionals will arrive on time, with all the necessary equipment, and we work the entirety of the booked time. When you need a cleaner to keep an appointment, book Perth Home Cleaners. Use our online booking form, or call us to request a quote today.

Our Services Include:

Builders Cleaning
Bond Cleaning
Carpet Cleaning
Domestic Cleaning
Emergency Cleaning
End of Lease Cleaning
Gutter Cleaning
Office Cleaning
Renovation Cleaning
Spring Cleaning
Tile and Grout Cleaning
Upholstery Cleaning
Vacate Cleaning
Window Cleaning

Special Note Concerning Covid-19 and Our Cleaning Service

The World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Here at Perth Home Cleaners, we want you to know that your safety, as well as the safety of our staff, is our utmost concern. We also understand life has not come to a halt, and you still have cleaning needs. In fact, you may need our disinfecting services now more than ever.

For your continued safety and protection, Perth Home Cleaners is taking the following precautions as we continue to serve you…

Hospital-grade disinfectant

We use hospital-grade disinfectant to help eliminate and reduce the spread of germs. Hospital disinfectants are registered for use in hospitals, clinics, dental offices, and other medical facilities. They kill microorganisms often found in healthcare. Hospital disinfectants should be used as part of a bundled infection prevention approach

Face masks

Before entering your home, our cleaners put on face masks to reduce any risk


As always, our staff will be wearing gloves while cleaning to protect themselves and your home

Healthy staff

We only allow healthy team members to enter your home. Any staff member who is coughing or sick will be sent home

Stand by services

We offer after-hour, standby services for emergency cleaning. Unlike several other cleaners in Perth, we have seven-day availability

Hygiene and disinfecting cleaning

If you are a caregiver for an elderly or sick loved one, our disinfecting services can help ensure their safety

Follow all Western Australian government guidelines

As the pandemic evolves, we keep up to date with all the WA guidelines and regulations. This may require a change of booking details, but we will let you know as soon as anything changes to your booking.