Author: Perth Home Cleaners

How To Clean Artworks And Paintings

Cleaning and Paintings

Spring is just around the corner, which means pollen and dander will infiltrate every corner of our environment, leaving a thick layer of dirt on every surface. To some spring cleaning in itself can be a daunting task, but for the artist what is most challenging is to prep your faded, discoloured, and dusty paintings and artworks. Tips to Preserve Artwork If you’re looking for ways to restore your old paintings or take pre-emptive measures …

Make Sure You Clean These Three Places In Your Home

Chair & Stand light

With the global outbreak of COVID-19, we have all been told to wash our hands regularly in order to prevent the spread of the virus. The current health crisis has made us all acutely aware of all the germs, bacteria, and viruses around us. It is a wake-up call to be more diligent about our own hygiene and cleanliness. The current health crisis has put proper house cleaning under the spotlight. Think about your daily …